Bubble Bath Powder

How it started ...

Bubble Bath Powder is one of the products we added to our product line completely by accident. Well, I mean we added it on purpose - but we formulated it by accident. 

One day I was making a big batch of bubble bath truffles - only to find that I was missing some key ingredients. I slapped the lid on the bucket and walked away, figured I would finish making them up when the supply order came in.

That night, with children anxious to get in the bath no bubble bath kicking around to speak of ... I had an idea.

I took a tablespoon of my mixture and threw it into the running bath water. That first batch, we got 'okay' bubbles. Toddlers had a blast with it but I wasn't sold on the results just yet.

A few more batches later, lots of tweaking, calculating, measuring & testing (thank you for every friend of mine with kids who tried it out) we were happy with the formulation and we decided to make Bubble Bath Powder one of our mainline products.

(Photo Credit: Customer Jill M. 1tsp BBP in jetted tub).

How to use:

We like simplicity, low waste-packaging, and not paying for water. What that means is that every package of bubbling bath powder is concentrated and the packaging is recyclable in some city programs. 

If you're using a jetted tub, start with 1 teaspoon of bubble bath powder. Add it to running bath water then flip on your jets for a few minutes for some intense agitation and bubble action. 

If you're not using jets try 1/2 TBS - 1 TBS. Add this to the running bath water. Don't add this at the end, you want to add it as your filling. The more agitation the water gets, the more bubbles you will have. You can even use your hand to swish up the water a bit.

These amounts all depend on your water hardness. Softer water will require less powder.




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